Gregory Jackson

Gregory E. Jackson


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Gregory E. Jackson is a trial attorney. Greg has more than thirty years of experience trying cases in Washington state and federal courtrooms, including Civil Service Commissions, Public Employment Relations Commission, and other administrative bodies. Greg’s legal career began trying criminal cases in Seattle Municipal Court as a City of Seattle Assistant City Attorney. Greg then became a Deputy and subsequently a Senior Deputy Prosecuting Attorney in the King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office where he successfully tried hundreds of criminal cases prosecuting drug offenses, property offenses, serious crimes against persons including vehicular homicide, assault, robbery, burglary, sex crimes, and aggravated murder. Greg was a member of the trial team in State v. Leuluaialii, the first prosecution in the country to utilize canine DNA. Greg also argued multiple appellate cases in the Washington Court of Appeals.

Greg joined the Tort’s Division of the Washington Attorney General’s Office after leaving the King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office. At the Attorney General’s Office, Greg defended the State and its agencies and employees in civil actions, including employment and civil rights actions, highway liability, law enforcement and parole liability claims. Greg left the Attorney General’s Office for private practice in 2004 and in private practice Greg continues to represent and defend local governments and corporations in civil actions. Prior to going to law school, Greg was a public-school teacher and remains a kindergarten through 12th grade certified public school teacher.

Contact Gregory E. Jackson